This has been a great adventure and an eye-opening experience for me. My favorite discoveries were Photostories, learning how to embed videos, social bookmarking, and mash-ups. I just feel more learned knowing all of this lingo, let alone knowing how to do these things! This program has taught me what Web 2.0 really is, and how I can use it in both the classroom as a teacher and a librarian. I will take with me the ease of using these tools - no longer will things like Wikis intimidate me to the point of not using them. I will continue my connections to other libraries and librarians that I have found though this program and the other blogs. In addition, now I have an arsenal of tools and knowledge to bring with me when I get my library job. I wouldn't change too much on this very useful tool, maybe just tweek what is already there, fix a few gliches, and make sure to keep all links updated. If another program similar to this was offered to me and I had some time to invest in it, then yes, definitely, I would participate! The word I would use to sum up this journey is the following - WORTHY. I think that says it all.
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